Tuesday, January 30, 2018

We're half way there!

Well, today's the day! I have been here for a couple days shy of 5 months, and have yet to be in Quito for the exact same amount of time. I'm already half way through my ten month exchange! Instead of making this a post with updates and stories, I'm going to share something a little different with you. When I was feeling homesick back in November/December, someone (my amazing mom) suggested that I make a list of all the positive things about being here. I didn't get around to making until a bit later, but I decided I'd share with all of you some of the little things that I love about being here!

1. Speaking Spanish
          I knew I wanted to become more fluent in Spanish when I decided to come to Ecuador, but I had no idea how much I would enjoy practicing my Spanish!

2. The constant view
          Quito is a city high in the mountains, but it is surrounded by even higher mountains and volcanoes that make it a beautiful place to stay.

3. Fruterias
Related image
A fruteria
          Fruterias are little fruit shops that can be found just about anywhere, and because Ecuador has different regions with such a variety of growing conditions, they have every fruit and vegetable I've ever heard of, and so cheap! This is probably one of the things I'll miss the most when the time comes to return home.
4. Quito
          While I don't know if I would like to live in a city permanently, I sure do enjoy the fact that I can always find something to do when I'm feeling bored or homesick. There are parks, malls, public transportation, and everything else that a normal city has, only I've never lived in one before.

5. My Host Family
          Of course the best for last! If i didn't have such a great and caring host family, I know I would have struggled so much more with being here for so long. My host mom is the person with whom I talk about everything, I tell jokes with my host brother, and my host dad is the one I sit in silence with awkwardly, but I know he enjoys my presence.
Me and my host parents out for ice cream one night
Although my entire list consisted of more like 30 items, I think these 5 are some of my favorites and I will have plenty of time to share more. I hope you enjoyed and will continue reading my posts, thank you!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Baños and the Amazon

Yep, you read that title right. I took a trip to Baños, which is actually a cute little town surrounded by mountains on either side and full of tourists. Because of it's touristy nature, it is also filled with restaurants and activities to satisfy any kind of tourist. They have everything from white water rafting, to hot springs, and hikes of every level. Of course, we did a little bit of everything and made sure to squeeze in as much as possible in our 4 day trip. When I say we, I am talking about me and Jordan's (the other exchange student) parents from the US who came to visit for the end of her exchange, since she is a semester student. As you might realize, it was a very eventful trip, therefore this post is quite a long one, but I promise you they are fun and interesting stories and I hope you'll take the time to enjoy them!

Our camp in the amazing Amazon
Now that you know what Baños is, and who I went there with, I'll get on with details about our amazing time there! The first day, we settled into our hostel, which was very nice, and walked around the town, eating dinner and simply exploring. The next day, however, we were all up and ready bright and early, as we were to begin our 2 day trip into the Amazon that day. After breakfast and a quick trip to buy flashlights, we were off! We started the day off by stopping at a local swimming hole, followed by a delicious traditional amazonian lunch of fish (eyes and all), fried bananas, rice, and fresh pineapple for dessert. After lunch, we took a quick rest in some hammocks, and headed for a traditional amazonian village to learn how to use a blow dart, have our faces painted using natural paint, and buy some souvenirs made by the locals. After we had all learned to dance with their palm skirts, we headed out in a canoe to meet up with our guides, who had taken a truck to meet us. We hiked to a beautiful viewpoint, explored some caves, and headed to my favorite thing yet... A chocolate farm! Although it is advertised as a chocolate farm, this farm grows all they eat and has all the animals needed to provide themselves with food throughout the year. We tried all of their fresh fruits and even some herbs, and then were able to harvest the cocoa seeds, toast them, remove them from their shell, and grind them into a bar of 100% chocolate. Then we finally headed to our camp to eat dinner, but day one continued. After dinner, we changed out of shorts and into sweatshirts, as it was time for our night hike! We weren't lucky enough to see snakes or monkeys, but spotted giant spiders, beetles, and even a cricket shedding it's skin! After the disappointment of not having spotted a tarantula on the hike, I actually found one on my way to the bathroom that night, and that concluded day one. 
The view from one of our hikes on day one... Such a beautiful country!
Our waterfall hike in the Amazon

Day two! We woke up from under our mosquito nets, had breakfast, and headed off for a waterfall hike. Of course, our guides took us the long way, and we were able to spot some of nature's other wonders; spiders, "monkey tails," and edible flowers. It was a fairly easy hike, and the waterfall was amazing, and although a bit chilly, wonderful for swimming. As we headed back to the camp to eat lunch and pack our bags, we found a lemon the size of a grapefruit, and of course took it as a snack on our way to camp. The afternoon was simply a time of rest and wandering around the camp, to swim in the river if one wished. It was relaxing and beautiful, but eventually the time came to return to Baños. We were all pretty tired when we got back, but took some time to relax in the hotel pool, and went out for dinner at 10:00pm, which is not uncommon here. At about midnight after dinner, which was delicious at an Irish pub, we decided to head back to our hotel and get some rest before another early morning. 

"El Pailon del Diablo"
Day Three was also very exciting! We were up and at it early again to go white water rafting! none of us had any idea just how white the water would be, but it was one of the most fun, crazy and awesome things I've done here in Ecuador. After riding the waves, quite literally, we headed back and for the hot springs! After rafting we all felt like doing something a bit more relaxing, and the hot springs were the perfect choice. After some relaxing and a little snack, we knew we had to hike the "Pailon del diablo," which is one of the most famous waterfalls around. It was well worth it, but afterwords we were all but falling asleep walking to the car. We got back to the hotel at about 7:30, and thanks to Jordan's dad, had pizza for dinner and were able to just chill. 

Day 4 was more of a half day, but then again so was the day we arrived. Although it was short, it was nothing near uneventful... We had decided the first day that if we had time, we would go bungee jumping, and the last day provided the perfect amount of time to do just that! The fear, adrenaline, and excitement was almost too much, but as soon as I stepped onto the platform, I knew I had to jump. 3... 2... 1... And it was go time, I dove with all my might, knowing if I tried the falling strategy, my fear would overtake me. And it was awesome! It was the kind where you hang from your harness and swing after you jump, instead of hanging upside down, which made it even better, swinging over a river, knowing you had just checked off a huge bucket list item. There are no words to describe it. 

So, this is definitely was a longer post than usual, but I hope you enjoyed it as much I enjoyed sharing about it! Until next time!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

It's already 2018!?

Time has passed so fast over these last four months, but especially over the last month. It's hard to believe that 2018 is already upon us... So for this post, I'm going to focus on how they celebrate New Year's Eve here!

First of all, I've always thought of New Year's Eve as a holiday to spend with friends, playing games and eating snacks, but not in Ecuador. Here, it's almost a bigger deal than Christmas! All the family comes over and there is a big dinner, like our Christmas dinner, followed by fireworks and dancing. (We danced until 2am!) It's a bit different, but I may have enjoyed it even more than in the US! Of course, there are beautiful decorations, and everyone does their part in making the meal... And I made the best garlic mashed potatoes ever! 
Some of the biudas in Quito

Now, for some more  specifics of New Year's Eve... While the evening is spent with brothers, cousins, aunts and uncles, the afternoon is spent driving around looking for "biudas." Basically, biudas are men who dress of like women, just for one day, and joke around with the people in the cars. This includes dancing, talking through the window, or just making faces. It may sound inappropriate or wrong, but it really is just innocent fun here. This tradition is not meant to degrade either gender or be sexual, it is simply something that has been a part of their culture for years and makes the people laugh. 

This post was a bit shorter than usual, but there will be another one coming up soon about my trip to Baños and the Amazon jungle, so stay tuned!