Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The final Countdown

When the decision is made to go on exchange, it's always something thought of as way off in the distance. It's easy to be ready for an exchange when you don't have to be. As the months turn into weeks, and the weeks turn into days, I am realizing that this is going to be a life changing yet challenging year. I am also realizing something much more important... I AM READY!!! Now, let me tell you a little secret: being ready doesn't mean I think it will be easy or that I have perfect Spanish. Being ready for exchange means that I am ready to face the challenges that arise, and to put my Spanish to work, even though I know I will make mistakes.

This picture was taken in the Philippines, but it shows the joy and excitement I feel going on exchange to Ecuador.
A huge part of this summer for me has been fundraising, so I guess I should let you all know that that's been going amazing! I have been able to babysit, house sit, collect cans and bottles, have a yard sale, and sell home school curriculum. Even though I was unable to get a job like I had originally hoped, God has provided the money I need for my flight and over $1,000 of spending money! Thank you to everyone who has helped me! I am more than excited to be able to raise money doing things I love, like working with children. 

This is just one of the groups of kids I have been privileged enough to help out with. 
Last but certainly NOT least... When am I leaving?! Those of you who talk to me much, or at all within the last few weeks, know that I have had a few problems booking flights and didn't know when I would be able to fly. Well, with the help of my parents, I finally booked a flight to Quito, Ecuador on the 1st of September. Saying that I am excited to have a date is an understatement. If you are curious about exchange or just want to hang out before I leave, let me know, I'd love to see you!

I hope you enjoy reading about my life, and let me know if you have and feedback or suggestions. I may have one last post before I leave, but for now, that's a wrap folks! 

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