Monday, September 4, 2017

Estoy en Ecuador!

After all that's been happening in the last year, I've made it to Quito, Ecuador! My first flight was cancelled, so I arrived at about midnight Saturday night to be greeted by one of the the sweetest host families ever. I don't have much to say considering I've only been here for what, two days? I am no expert on Ecuadorian culture (yet) and I am definitely still in the honeymoon phase. Having stated the obvious, I can talk about what has happened already!

After my flight on Friday was cancelled, I had an extra day to get excited (and nervous) about my exchange!
First of all, my Spanish isn't nearly as bad as I thought. My host family tries to speak slow and they are very helpful. I have to think quite a bit, but I have enjoyed speaking in Spanish and my host family is impressed. (which makes me feel pretty good) Looks like if you pay attention in Mr. Donato's class, it can pay off!
The beautiful view from my bedroom... It's way better in real life 

Now, about school! I start on Wednesday because I still need to buy all the materials and my uniform. I am full of emotions about beginning school, mostly excited... and nervous. I am in the science track which means I have Chemistry, Physics, Biology, math, languages, (Spanish and French I think) P.E., and history. I know, I know, that's a pretty crazy schedule, but I think I can do it, because I wont have all of those classes every day and I generally enjoy science. And... I'm on exchange, I can do anything!

My bedroom here!
My host family... I could write an entire blog post about them already, and maybe I will some day. They are wonderful in many ways. I live with my host mom, dad, and brother. I talk more with my host mom and brother, but my host dad is just as nice. I know this was a bit of a vague post, but I will have a million details later.

Hope you enjoy hearing about my crazy, scary, exciting, unexpected, amazing adventures here in Ecuador! Follow my blog for more updates!


  1. Hi Elisa. I am so excited for you and love reading your blog. You write with expression, and that gets me excited to read everything you have and will be doing. Papa and I are praying daily for you, and I KNOW you will have such fun. Looking forward to your next writing., I love you. Grammy

  2. Hi Elisa, I'm your mom's friend from our exchange together in Rancagua, Chile 30 years ago. I have a special interest in Ecuador and think we may want to live in Cotacachi one day. Hope you have a great time down there and I will be reading your blog and watching you on FB! Can't wait to hear all about it. My exchange in Chile was awesome and 30 years later I still keep in touch with my friends and family there and I use my Spanish daily at work! You are so lucky to get this experience...enjoy every second of it. Love, Kim
